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A living wreath of lasting fame To match

A living wreath of lasting fame
To match your deeds that fill the world.
Ah, lyric vain! each hero’s name
Is on your banners’ folds unfurled.
Those stars are there in setting blue,
Because you answered to the call.
We bring no eulogy to you;
You honor us — you won it all.
-An excerpt from the poem “Memorial Day” by Wallace Bruce

Today we pause to honor those brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice, so that we can enjoy the blessings of freedom.

Our Mountain Brook store is closed today in observance of Memorial Day, but our Summit store will be open today to service you.

#brombergs #memorialday #memorialday2023 #honorthefallen #usa #landofthefree #becauseofthebrave #godblessamerica

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